Bridge into Albireo Testnet

This guide will help you use the bridge to send tokens between Albireo Testnet and Sepolia.


  • A wallet with some testnet ETH on Sepolia. You can get some Sepolia testnet tokens through

    • Click to start faucet and allow the faucet to run for a bit. The longer you run before collecting, the more testnet ETH you will receive. Once you have reached the minimum faucet withdrawal requirement and are ready, click the button to stop mining and claim rewards. The testnet ETH will arrive in your wallet on the Sepolia network shortly.

Bridge tokens

Visit the bridge and follow through the UI.

You will likely have only testnet ETH on Sepolia from the faucet above. Ensure you have Sepolia selected as the "From" and Albireo Testnet as the "To".

Last updated