PlayFi Examples

PlayFi Examples

The following are a non-exhaustive list of examples of how real viewers/players can interact with The PlayFi Protocol:

  • Aaron and Brian do not know each other and meet in a Call of Duty™️ game, a dispute breaks out about who the better player is and both players decide to compete for the most kills that game. Aaron and Brian each send 10 $PLAY to the escrow address and upon the end of the game Aaron automatically receives 20 $PLAY as he had more kills that game.

  • Rebecca and Aisha are watching the finale of The Bachelor, Rebecca believes that the first dress to appear on screen will be red, Aisha believes it will be blue. Each of them submit the wager and once PlayBase observes the dress is red, Aisha automatically sends 10 $PLAY to Rebecca.

  • A popular streamer is competing in a Fortnite™️ tournament, Ronak wants to encourage her so he sends a 10 $PLAY donation that is conditional on her winning the tournament, if she wins the 10 $PLAY is transferred to her, if she doesn't Ronak automatically receives his money back.

  • Hassan and James are watching the NBA together and decide to bet on the first player mentioned by the commentators, the time of the first shot and the score exactly 5 minutes into the game. They each submit their arbitrary predictions and the bet is automatically settled once these events occur.

  • Stacey owns a very expensive CS:GO™️ skin and is worried about getting scammed in a third-party transaction. Emily wants to buy Stacey's item but is also worried about being scammed. Emily sends 100 $PLAY to the escrow address which automatically releases the $PLAY to Stacey only when PlayBase observes the skin has been sent to Emily.

  • Franklin is watching a popular chess streamer and want's to bet that white will win, a decentralized bookmaker is offering 2:1 so Franklin send 10 $PLAY to them. The decentralized bookmaker uses PlayFi's trustless data feeds to establish the winner and rewards Franklin 20 $PLAY upon white's victory.

  • Elijah, Caleb and James are at the football and want to bet on the final score, they choose a unique score and wager 5 tokenized drink cards, Elijah wins the bet and is automatically credited with 15 free drink cards for the following game.

  • 10 friends decide to compete for the most kills in Fortnite™️ over the next week with the top 3 players winning 50%, 30% and 20% of the rewards respectively. They each send 10 $PLAY to escrow which receives data from PlayBase regarding each player's kills throughout the week. At the conclusion of the competition the best 3 players automatically receive their rewards.

The above examples use $PLAY but PlayFi will utilise Paymasters and other payment abstraction technologies allowing users to pay and get paid in their local currency (e.g. USD) with any common payment method (e.g. Credit Card, Apple Pay™️, PayPal™️).

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